Sunday, January 29, 2017

Family STEAM Night: Cardboard Challenge

Recently, Chattanooga Christian Lower School hosted our second "Family STEAM Night." This evening was a cardboard arcade challenge that was inspired by Caine's Arcade Global Challenge . We started the evening off with all family members watching the video about Caine and his arcade and the movement that it created (see right). We then told the families they had 30-40 minutes to create an arcade game and that we would play each other's games for the rest of the time. The parents were given this document as the movie was playing.

The setup for this event was easy...cardboard, lots and lots of cardboard. We also had packing tape, glue, hot glue guns, scissors, ping pong balls, sponge balls, dowels, string, markers, streamers, balloons, pipe cleaners and anything else we had crafty that we thought might spur the imagination of others. And in a story I couldn't have scripted any better myself parents supported their students creativity, got out of their way when need be, listened to their innovations, and helped their children engineer arcade games. It was a thing of beauty!

As the evening progressed I noted three main things:

  1. After being at this school for 13 years I see a level of heightened creativity in our students across the board. Our students don't wait around, they dig in. I know this can't all be attributed to our new STEAM program but creativity and innovation is blossoming as CCS due to the culture of acceptance of trying new things that is also growing. I was amazed at the different games that appeared but not just that, the differences within the games themselves. For instance, there were 3 different skee ball games but each were uniquely different from each other. The design processes varied tremendously. That was exciting to see each family interpret and create based on their own thoughts. 
  2. We are blessed by supportive administrators and teachers that see the value of STEAM at our school. We had all worked full days that day and I had said it was not mandatory for the teachers to participate but I stand amazed at those that have taken part in our STEAM Nights because they see it as a priority for our school.
  3. Children are creative by nature and when supported possibilities are endless. Very few parameters were placed on them for this event and they thrived. To have a multi-generational experience where the parents helped them critically think about the engineering dynamics was a beautiful thing to watch. To see parents help their children create a prototype of the images in their head was a lovely lesson of collaboration. To see parents follow the lead of their child to help them learn in the process shifted the parent/child paradigm in a unique way that evening that was a joy to experience. My favorite quote by a parent that evening that I overheard was "I'm not really sure what it is we are making yet but tell me where you want something glued and I can do that."
The video below is a simple compilation I created from the evening. It makes my heart happy to hear the students explain their creations. Enjoy and I encourage you to have your own cardboard challenge! Thank you to Conversant Group of Chattanooga, TN for sponsoring this night for our students. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Full STEAM Ahead: Native American Engineering

Native American Homes STEAM Engineering
Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade
Prepared by Mrs. Yandell


This is a collective of seven STEAM engineering challenges based on the homes of different American regions and tribes. Students will collaborate as engineers to complete this challenge.  


  1. 21st century Communication and Collaboration


  1. Become engineers for the day, and creatively design and build one of the structures out of limited supplies.


  1. Toilet paper cardboard
  2. Paper plates
  3. Tooth picks
  4. Popsicle sticks
  5. Glue or Tape
  6. Construction Paper
  7. Straws
  8. Coffee Filter


  1. Students work well together and communicate well as they complete a challenge structure.
  2. Students will identify various types of Native American homes, and be able to describe characteristics about each.
  3. Become engineers for the day, and creatively design and build one of the structures out of limited supplies.


` Wigwam          Long House

Tipi Pueblo

Hogan Plank House


Native American Home Recap written by Jessica Yandell

What I love most about STEAM lessons is that they incorporate multi subjects across the existing curriculum.  In this lesson we brought social studies, engineering, and art together while learning about Native Americans.  Students were given a hands on experience to learn about different Native American homes, and had the opportunity to construct 3D models of one.  They were given limited materials, and had to work as a group to design and build this project.  I truly believe that students will retain learned information in a unique way when you provide them with integrated activities using their hands. STEAM activities like this provides our students with the collaboration skills they need to be able to complete group projects and tasks well.  

Full STEAM Ahead: Gingerbread Man Trap

Kindergarten – STEAM
Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Yandell
Date: 11/29/16

Overview & Purpose

With Christmas in a few weeks, our kindergarteners will be reading books about the gingerbread man.  In this activity, students work through the scientific method to create a trap to catch the sneaky gingerbread man!

Education Standards

The students will observe the world around them by using their senses and various tools.
The students will ask questions, make predictions, and represent/record data.
The students will analyze and explain the data from an investigation.


  1. Learn the steps of the scientific method
  2. Observe a problem, and find a solution

Materials Needed

  1. Recycled Boxes, and other used supplies
  2. Gingerbread man


Steps to check for student understanding
  1. Did your group work well together?
  2. Were you able to share ideas?
  3. Did your trap successfully catch the gingerbread man?


Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson

In groups, students will work together to execute a solution to prevent the sneaky gingerbread man from running away.  They will work through the scientific method to design and build the most successful trap to catch the gingerbread man.  

Part 1:

We will spend the first class discussing the problem, and students will work with their partners to think about different types of traps.  Each group will draw a blueprint of their trap design and gathers supplies they will use to build it.  

Part 2:
Students will work together to build their traps from the recycled supplies they gathered.  Then they will test their traps to see if it works.  Finally, they will have the opportunity to trap and catch their gingerbread man!  We will use Seesaw to document this activity.

Kindergarten Gingerbread Trap Project Recap written by Jessica Yandell:

In December, the kindergarteners read many different gingerbread man books. Even in their classrooms they had houses for their own class gingerbread man.  I love opportunities where we can integrate engineering, math, and literacy all in one project.  This activity was split into two weeks. The first part of the activity we focused on reading comprehension; students developed a story map of what occurred in the beginning, middle, and the end. We also discussed problem solving.  The class decided that in the story, the gingerbread man kept running away and no one was able to catch him;  they agreed a trap could solve the problem.  

I let each student draw out a blueprint for a trap that would catch the gingerbread man. In the second part of this activity, the students were able to have a hands on opportunity to engineer the perfect trap!  It was fun watching them choose the perfect recycled materials to build their project, and of course they were excited to test the traps on their very own small gingerbread man!

Full STEAM Ahead: Can you undo water pollution?

Can you undo water pollution?
First Grade Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Yandell
Date: 11/30/16

Overview & Purpose

The first graders continue to learn about different types of communities and community helpers.  In this activity, students will learn about water pollution and  how they can help prevent oil spills.  Students will have a hands on opportunity to see how oil and other pollutants affect our environment, and decide if you can truly undo water pollution.    

Education Standards

  1. SS:N:1.4 The students will describe how the work that people do (police officer, fire fighter, soldier, mail carrier, baker, farmer, doctor, and teacher) benefits a neighborhood.


  1. How pollution affects our neighborhoods and communities?
  2. How can we prevent pollution?
  3. What type of community helpers research new ways to prevent pollution?
  4. Can you undo water pollution?

Materials Needed

  1. Garbage
  2. “Oil Spill” book
  3. Plastic containers
  4. Water
  5. Cooking Oil
  6. Gloves, Strainer, Coffee filter


Steps to check for student understanding
  1. Did your group work well together?
  2. Were you able to undo the water pollution?
  3. How can we prevent water pollution in our communities?


Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson
In this activity, we will start by reading the book “Oil Spill.”  We will discuss ways to prevent pollution in our community, and how we can be caretakers of our environment.  In groups, students will have a hands on opportunity to try and undo water pollution.  

Adapted by

Can You Undo Water Pollution? Recap by Jessica Yandell

This STEAM activity was too much fun, but I must say it was a little messy! One of the first grade integrated unit topics is on community helpers, which is why I thought it would be a good idea to show the students how scientists work hard to protect our community from pollution.  After we read the story “Oil Spill,” we learned that we do not have to be scientist to help prevent pollution, but that we can be caretakers of our community just by throwing away trash in proper containers and by turning off our lights to save electricity.  I love that this lesson integrates literature, social studies and science all in one activity!  My suggestion is to do this activity outside if possible!

After trying hard to clean their polluted water, our kids realized it is almost impossible to get all of the oil out of the water.  They agreed it is our responsibility to be caretakers of our community and prevent pollution!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Full STEAM Ahead: The Mitten - Comparing Contrasting and preschool reading comprehension

The Mitten
Lesson Plan for Preschool
Prepared by Mrs. Yandell


In this activity, students will explore the story “The Mitten” with an interactive project. Children will focus on comparing and contrasting objects of differents sizes and make inferences about what they think will happen.  


  1. Comparing and contrasting measurement of objects
  2. Literacy- reading comprehension, ability to reference and retell a story
  3. Fine motor skills


  1. Be able to retell the story
  2. Ability to reference main characters in the story
  3. Distinguish sizes of objects as smallest, big, biggest
  4. Infer what object would hold more based on its size


  1. Sock mittens
  2. Animals or objects of all different sizes
  3. “The Mitten”


Steps to check for student understanding
  1. Are you able to recognize which sock is the smallest and which is the largest?
  2. Can you identify which sock will hold more objects?
  3. Which sock will hold less objects?
  4. Why will one sock hold more and one hold less?
  5. Will a sock hold more larger object or more smaller objects?


We will start this activity by reviewing the book “The Mitten.”  Students will be asked what occurred during the beginning, middle, and the end of the story, as well as, reference main characters.  Next, we will compare and contrast socks of different sizes, and students will identify which sock will hold the most and least amount of objects based on its size.  To start the activity, each student will be given a sock mitten ( all are different sizes), and be asked to fit as many animals into their sock as they can.  Encourage them to observe the difference in size of the sock when there are no objects and when it has objects inside.  

The Mitten Recap by Jessica Yandell

Our preschool students have been reading the book “The Mitten,” so we took the opportunity to do a STEAM activity based on the story.


This was a great opportunity for the children to practice comparing and contrasting objects of different sizes, as well as, practicing fine motor skills.  The kids loved trying to fit all of the crazy bugs and animals into their sock mittens! They were able to observe that smaller socks will hold less objects, and the larger socks  hold more objects. What a fun and interactive way for preschoolers to integrate literature and math in the same project!

Full STEAM Ahead: Ozobot Community Helpers (first grade)

STEAM  1st Grade
Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Yandell
Date: 11/16/2016

Overview & Purpose

In this activity students will learn how to give commands to the Ozobots via Ozocodes, while exploring various community helpers in our community.  

Education Standards

  1. SS:N:1.4 The students will describe how the work that people do (police officer, firefighter, soldier, mail carrier, baker, farmer, doctor, and teacher) benefits a neighborhood.
  2. Robotics
  3. Computer Science
  4. 21 Century Collaboration Skills
  5. 21 Century Communication Skills


  1. Give commands to the Ozobot by Ozocodes
  2. Become more familiar with the Ozocodes
  3. Recognize various community helpers in our community
  4. Know how to use the QR code scanners

Materials Needed

  1. Blue, Red, Green Stickers
  2. Poster board & Black lines
  3. Ozobots
  4. I pads
  5. QR codes


Steps to check for student understanding
  1. Did your group work well together? Did you share ideas and listen to each other?
  2. Did you take turns scanning the QR codes?
  3. Was your group able to give the Ozobot correct commands from the ozocodes?
  4. What community helpers did you observe after scanning the QR codes?
  5. How do those community helpers benefit our community?


Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson
In this activity, students will work in groups of four or five.  Each group will have one Ipad, four QR codes, two Ozobots, a Ozobot command coding chart, and a “Ozobot command board”.
Prior to the activity, the teacher should have the Ozobot “command board” already drawn out and prepared for the students.  ( I suggest laminating if they are going to be used in multiple classes)  On the command board, there should be four places the Ozobot will come to a stop ( command code (greenred)).  At each stop there will be a QR code.  

The activity:
Part 1: Have the students spend time in their groups, and each person will choose two commands off of the ozobot code chart to place on the “command board.”  (We used color stickers for this activity, because we were able to peel them off and reuse the boards)  Encourage the students to use different commands, that way they can observe different behaviors and actions the ozobot will perform.
Part 2:  Students will then place their Ozobot on the “command board” and watch their robot interact with its environment.  They will observe its different behaviors depending on the code.  Each time a robot comes to a stop (at a QR code), students will use the Ipad to scan the QR code and determine what community helper their ozobot encountered.  Students should take turns scanning the QR codes.

This is an exciting way to learn about how community helpers benefit our community!